Black Aura? Get the Scoop

Are Black Auras a Thing?

One of the number one questions I hear from clients is “What if I have a black aura?!” So, if you’ve thought the same, rest assured, you needn’t fret about a black aura. Auras CAN appear murky, dark, close-in to the body…but they aren’t black.

I have seen some auras that could use a little love, vitalization and clearing. However, with over 15k aura photography sessions/interpretations under my belt, I have never seen a completely black aura. A black aura would indicate a lack of color rays in your body. We need all 7 primary color rays for life on in this physical body. These color rays correspond to our chakra system and they are: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. 


So What About Auras that Need a Little Love (aka murky dark auras)?

I always tell my clients not to worry if we discover that their aura is murky, dim or very close to the body. This information is super important information and provides next steps of what to do to take care of their energy field. 

There are many, many reasons that one’s aura may be in need of support. Don’t forget, you and your aura are not separate. Your energy field is just PART of you. Your field provides a scaffolding for your physical body to sit within and your aura is just part of your energetic anatomy as a whole (chakras, toroid field, hara, meridians, nadis etc) So everything you think and feel is reflected in your energy field. In fact, the energetic signature of a physical ailment is present in your aura long before it becomes physically manifested.

So, back to auras that need support. Stress, illness, trauma, grief, anxiety, depression, unhealthy habits and overwhelm are some of the issues that we face that can cause stagnation and discord in your energy field. Typically, a murky aura  is one that needs to be cleared, a dim aura can signify that your lifeforce energy is very low. An aura that is very close to the body can indicate you feel very vulnerable and you feel the need to pull in your energy field for protection. An energy medicine practitioner can help you with all of the above but you can also be your own healer and learn to work with your own energy body.

The Takeaway

Here’s the thing, learning about your energy field and embracing it (all!) as an essential part of YOU. Becoming aware of your energy field opens up a whole new way of seeing your life beyond the physical! In my experience, the more you start to see things from an energetic perspective the richer life gets and the better you feel!

Feel like your energy is off? look your Custom Energy Healing Session here.

Wanna learn more?

Can You Really Have a Black Aura? We Asked the Experts to Find Out by Sarah Regan